Our daughter Pam celebrated her birthday with pulled pork and ribs!
Grandson Victor spent time onboard without any siblings, a big step.
Sofia volunteered to be the 1st to sleep on The Rose this season.
Grandma with Evelyn. Check out the crown and tu-tu.....
We anchored in the Kickemuit River with 3 others from our dock where
Cousin Dan visited, (center) and shared a drink or two......

Four of us rafted together on the Kickemuit
Fireworks from the dinghy deck on The Rose
Ty & Suzanne, (fellow cruisers) spent the day visiting.
We spent time on Federal Hill
Sunday, 8/30/09
Our summer thus far has been jam packed with social activities. This is our 5th summer on The Rose and the schedule seems even more hectic than usual.
We have enjoyed celebrating the July 4th holiday, visiting with friends and having some of our grandchildren sleep on board.
Like I suspect it has been for some of you, the weather here has NOT been the highlight of the summer season. We might have chafed at that in the past, but it seems like cruising has brought us a bit of patience.
Our plans for the Fall are beginning to take shape. We have made arrangements for The Rose to be stored in the water at nearby Wharf Marina where she will be winterized, and where Drew and Lauren our trusty technical advisors will keep an eye on her and other boats for the winter season. The cove seldom freezes that far in, and there will be a "bubbler" running under the hull, along with a small ice breaker to keep the channel and fairway from freezing. Expert opinion seems to favor this approach so I guess time will tell.
While Connie and I are looking forward to spending a winter at the condo, we have mixed feeling about leaving The Rose after 5 years of cruising.
She has been busy planning our week long drive from RI to FL and our departure is targeted for October 10th. We have a rental car lined up and hope to connect with a few people enroute.
The remainder of the summer will be filled with travel to anchorages on Narragansett Bay, a hoped for trip to Block Island and our annual Cerio Labor Day picnic on the beach in Charleston with Cousin Tom and crew.
Enjoy what is left of summer. Perhaps we'll have an enjoyable RI fall season also.
Paul & Connie
m/v The Rose, GH37
lying Greenwich Bay N
Warwick, RI
(321) 288-7191 Verizon