Travels of The Rose
Connie and I are travelling on The Rose, our 37' trawler, a totally new experience for us. This blog is a way for us to share our experiences with family, friends and fellow boaters. Comments and emails are welcome.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Tuesday, May 03, 2016
Early Splash
March 25, 2016
We are back in our slip for the summer. Much earlier than usual, but circumstances dictate the schedule. Hap Miller our always dependable mechanic quickly has her ready and we move back aboard once the temperatures moderate a little and snow remnants melt. All systems are a go and we take a brief cruise around Warwick Cove to limber her after sitting all winter. We'll be hauled out mid-summer to recheck zincs, bottom paint and wax-polish the hull. We know better than to discuss plans for the summer, much less the fall. "Boater's plans are written in Jell-O and the water isn't even boiling yet." Here we are at our slip before our neighbors have launched.
Friday, October 09, 2015
October 9,2015
We thought we were headed south this year, but it wasn't in the cards. Typically we depart Narragansett Bay immediately after Labor Day. This year we were faced with upgrades to our navigation, AIS and a last minute adjustment to our satellite TV antenna that allows us reception even when moving at anchor. Once all that was completed, (major accomplishment) we had nonstop seas and wind that were beyond our comfort and safety level. Day after day we consulted multiple web sites for a glimmer of a decent weather window that would have allowed us passage offshore and then down the AICW. Finally, after weeks passed, we decided that we would take the prudent choice and once again store The Rose in RI for the winter. All of our preparations are still in place, we just won't use them until next year. Disappointed? Sure! But I have to remember that we've made this roundtrip passage 5x so there's no room for complaints.
The big change this year was our decision to haul out and store at the Brewer East Yard. The trough is smaller than Harbor Lights but the yard is high and dry, meaning I will not trudge through standing water and ice when we check the boat during the winter. The crew at the East Yard did a great job getting her out and on stands. We had supplied them with multiple pictures of sling and stand locations which were followed exactly. To say we were pleased is a gross understatement.
That's it for the next 6 months.....
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Ready for Another Trip South
Friday, October 11, 2013
Fall Activities
October 11, 2013
The days are getting shorter and cooler. We are busy with preparing for our drive to Florida and also making sure that The Rose is ready for the coming winter.
In years past she has remained in the water, winterized with an agitator to prevent the water surrounding her hull from freezing. This year we decided to have her hauled out and stored on land. Harbor Lights Marina is less than a 1/4 mile from us by water and their travel lift is new with a capacity of 100,000 pounds. The Rose usually comes in at 40,000 to 46,000 pounds depending on how much water and fuel we have on board so we feel secure with John McGovern and his crew handling the chore. They know her well since they are the only marina we have used for hauling here in RI over the past 9 years. Hap Miller is our mechanic now that Drew relocated to warmer waters and he has her ready in an afternoon. During the process he identified a problem with one of the a/c units that has puzzled us for the past year. There was a water line that was clogged despite my regular flushing. Thanks Hap!
Today, (10/11/13) she was out, hanging in the slings and power washed. The Petit Zinc that I used on her propellers and rudders in the spring worked well. The Blue Water bottom paint also functioned as advertised. There wasn't a barnacle anywhere. By 12:00 noon she was resting easy on stands.
Connie and I have been working almost nonstop for the past week gathering our belongings; some to storage and the rest to be loaded in the car for the drive home. We have managed to deplete the remaining food except for what we'll bring with us as snacks during the drive.
For the past several days we cleaned the refrigerator, wiped down all the counters with Clorox and washed-stored all bedding. Fenders, power cord, hoses and lines are stored under cover. Sometimes it seems like there is a never ending list of tasks that need our undivided attention.
We are confident that The Rose will be fine, but we know that our cousin Nick will swing by from time to time to check on her. Our next post will be in the spring, 2014.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
More summer fun
The Rose is meant to be enjoyed and again this year we have found time to enjoy the best RI and Narragansett Bay have to offer. Between family and friends we are quick to leave the dock and explore the inlets and islands that make up the area. Here are more pictures of family enjoying our lifestyle.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
4th of July and haul out
July 4th, 2013
In years past we have docked in Bristol, RI for the week preceding the holiday. The Harbormaster’s office was a little disorganized this year and it appeared that slips were only available by reservation. Rather than take a chance, we decided to stay at our home marina in Warwick Cove. We ended up with a good sized audience on July 3rd, with plenty of food and drink for all. Warwick put on an excellent show and the weather cooperated with a mostly clear sky. Having our grandkids on The Rose is always special, especially when they’re stunned by the light show.
We had about a dozen family members and there was plenty
of room aft of the pilot house.
Young and old, we all enjoyed the show
This one got a lot of attention!